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Germanium Isotopes

Stable Germanium Isotopes - Ge Isotopes

% Natural
Available %

70 Ge 69.9242497 (16) 20.84 (87) metal 95 – 96+

72 Ge 71.9220789 (16) 27.54 (34) metal, oxide 82 – 97+

73 Ge 72.9234626 (16) 7.73 (5) metal 95 – 96+

74 Ge 73.9211774 (15) 36.28 (73) metal, oxide 94 to 99+

76 Ge 75.9214016 (17) 7.61 (38) metal, oxide 96 - 98+

Germanium Isotopes are mainly used for the production of medical As and Se radioisotopes. Ge-74 is used for the production of As-74, Ge-76 for the production of As-77, Ge-74 for the production of As-73 and Ge-72 for As-72. Ge-70, Ge-72 and Ge-74 can all be used for the production of the medical radioisotope Se-73, although the most common production route is via natural As (As-75). Natural GeF4 is used in the semiconductor pre-amorphisation implant process. The use of Ge-72, in the form of GeF4, improves this process and reduces contamination. Finally, Ge-76 is used to study double beta decay.