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Dysprosium Isotopes

Stable Dysprosium Isotopes - Dy Isotopes

% Natural
Available %

156 Dy 155.924277 (8) 0.06 (1) oxide 8 - 20+

158 Dy 157.924403 (5) 0.10 (1) oxide 14 - 23+

160 Dy 159.925193 (4) 2.34 (8) oxide 67 - 70+

161 Dy 160.926930 (4) 18.9 (24) oxide 91 - 93+

162 Dy 161.926795 (4) 25.5 (26) oxide 94+

163 Dy 162.928728 (4) 24.9 (16) oxide 92 - 94+

164 Dy 163.929171(4) 28.2 (37) oxide 96 - 98+

Many Dysprosium Isotopes have been the subject of physics research. Dy-156 has been used to study double electron capture while Dy-160 has been used in research to investigate its multitude of excited states. Dy-161 spectroscopy has been used to determine the properties of Dysprosium based superconductor material. Dy-162 has been used to study excited states in deformed nuclei. Dy-164 has two medical applications. It is used in the production of Dy-165 which is used in arthritis therapy. Dy-164 is also used for the production of Dy-166 which decays to Ho-166 and this used in cancer therapy. The Dy-164 to Ho-166 route gives the advantage of generating so-called carrier free material.